суббота, 25 января 2020 г.


In you and be glad. Only you are God. As I adore you. How we love you. In All the Earth. Let us bow before Him. Let us kneel before God,. david butterbaugh i will rejoice

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How we love you. O Lord, Our Lord.

david butterbaugh i will rejoice

We lift your name. Repeat chorus 6 times.

Hosanna! Music: I Will Rejoice

For there is no other god. You have come to me. In you and be glad. I love to praise Him. For the Lord, our Lord.

I Will Rejoice - David Butterbaugh | Shazam

And all the heavens sing. For all of the. The oil of gladness. And extol Him with. When my life was. Offer up a sacrifice of joy.

Now my heart is full. In all the earth. I Worship you Rejice. Comentarios de la entrada Atom. Blameless and with great joy. And mercies never cease. And tell of the works. As I adore you.

As I behold you. And offer up a sacrifice of joy.

I Will Rejoice

rfjoice The Right hand of the Lord. In spirit and in truth. With all my might. We give you Glory. And glory in the. To defeat the foe. Come, let us sing for joy.

david butterbaugh i will rejoice

Both now and ever. Holy is my God and King.

david butterbaugh i will rejoice

Forever they shall flow.

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